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Conservation Minutes, October 25, 2011

Called to Order at 7:30 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by Frank Schellenger, Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   Frank Schellenger, Chairman
   John Kemmett, Vice Chairman  
   John Murray, Clerk
                          David Harris, Member
Also Present:              Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant                         
                           Richard Vacca, Agent


Motion to approve minutes of October 11, 2011:  John Kemmett
Second:  David Harris
Vote:  4-0-0

Public Hearings

7:30 PM Continued Notice of Intent for a proposal to control aquatic nuisance vegetation by the Town of Halifax to treat the algae in the eastern and western basins of Monponsett Pond utilizing low-dose treatments of aluminum sulfate (alum), to preclude severe algae blooms and to lessen the likelihood of toxic algae blooms (DEP #SE175-0580)

Motion to continue until 11/29/11 at 7:30 PM per request of applicant:  John Kemmett
Second:  John Murray
Vote:  4-0-0


7:30 PM  Appointment with Mr. Peter Veneto III of Troop 34 Hanson to discuss an idea for an Eagle Scout Project to create a canoe launch on the Indian Head River off of Adams Circle.
Peter made a presentation for a proposal to create a path and a canoe launch area on a town-owned Conservation parcel off of Adams Circle adjacent to the Indian Head River.  The proposal includes clearing a small portion of the lot and putting down all natural woodchips to accommodate a car or two.  
Mr. Vacca said that he had signed Peter’s proposal after their meeting about 2 weeks ago.  He said that in addition to being very impressed with the project, the Commission would support him as he follows procedure for filing a Request for Determination of Applicability to acquire approval for the activity.  Mr. Schellenger thanked Peter and commended him for a “good idea!”

Request for Certificate of Compliance

Request for Certificate of Compliance for 294R Monponsett Street, Map 31, Lot 13-1 for Nadeam Nahas  (DEP #SE175-0568)  
Mr. Vacca reported that he conducted a site inspection today and noted that the proposed driveway had not been constructed and the owner was still using an existing gravel access way.  He added that the site was stable and the deck is a little larger than what was proposed, but no additional footings were used.  However, he recommended denial of a Certificate of Compliance because the North side of the house is gullied and scoured due to the fact that no gutters were installed and this presented a problem of erosion.  

        Motion to deny Certificate of Compliance:  David Harris
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  4-0-0
Request for Certificate of Compliance for 153 Wagon Trail, Map 120, Lot 56 for Mark Modestino (DEP #SE175-0560)  
Mr. Vacca reported that all the work was completed, shrubs were planted as mitigation and conservation posts were installed as per the Order of Conditions.  He recommended approval.

        Motion to approve a Certificate of Compliance:  David Harris
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  4-0-0

Public Hearings (continued)

7:45 PM  Request for Determination of Applicability for the construction of a lay down area to serve as a temporary drop-off area for leaf and yard wastes at the Transfer Station, 201 Franklin St., Map 45, Lot 9A for the Town of Hanson represented by BETA Group, Inc.

Mr. Murray read the public hearing notice and the abutters were verified.  Mr. Al Hanscom of BETA Group, Inc. submitted a revised plan clearly depicting the 50 and 100’ buffer zones.  The lay down area was 32’ x 50’ with a storage capacity of 400 cubic yards maximum.  The leaves and yard waste will be picked up and transferred to another location once a week in the summer and twice a week in the fall said Chris Callahan, Transfer Station attendant.  A gravel base is to be installed over geo-textile fabric and jersey barriers and traffic cones will denote the limit of work.   Mr. Hanscom went on to say that no erosion control was proposed because the entire area is within the existing compost area.  Mr. Vacca recommended approval.  

Motion to approve and issue a Neg. 3 Determination of Applicability with conditions:  David Harris
        Second:  John Kemmett
Mr. Kemmett asked how heavy equipment would get around the pile.  Mr. Hanscom answered that the jersey barriers would be used by a bobcat to scoop up materials and that it would be left up to the contractor who will be registered from DEP to compost leaf and yard waste. Mr. Schellenger asked Mr. Hanscom if the Commission could have a copy of that information.       
Vote:  4-0-0


O & M Plan for Camp Kiwanee
Mr. Vacca briefly explained that an Enforcement Order issued a couple of years ago required the creation of a Beach Erosion Control and Maintenance Plan.  It was drafted by Mr. Hanscom and after review, a final draft was submitted tonight in response to several comments from Mr. Vacca and Commissioners Frank Schellenger and David Harris.
        Mr. Hanscom said that the only substantial provision to the original draft was that no
sand would be added to the beach area without formal written approval from the Conservation Commission.  Using a Plan dated 8/3/11, Mr. Hanscom demonstrated how issues with runoff from the parking lot onto the beach eroded the sand which in turn clogged up the inlet structure/outflow pipe.  So as to minimize this runoff, earthen berms were proposed around the periphery of the parking lot and the beach to cut off suspended solids and divert them to two detention basins which would include a check dam to allow sediment to settle out.  Mr. Hanscom also said that downstream conditions were creating a “backwater” effect and adjustments to downstream hydraulic controls would eventually improve conditions around Maquan Pond dramatically.  
        Mr. Hanscom discussed the periodic inspection schedule with regard to the erosion control measures and maintenance of the outflow facilities.  Documentation of said inspections would be due in the spring and fall and after heavy rain events.  Mr. Kemmett had additional comments regarding certain terminology and the scheduling of events, which he opined were too general in terms of who would be responsible and when. Mr. Harris added that because of a reduction in hours, the agent is only available three days a week.  Mr. Hanscom said he would be glad to make any changes, but asked for them to be in writing for the purpose of accuracy.     
  Mr. Alan Osgood, an abutter, said that judging from his observation, he was of the opinion that the pipe was completely clogged up and the inlet structure was under sand right now.  He added that it was a good plan, but it has taken too long to implement something for what has been an ongoing problem for at least 6 years.  Mr. Vacca’s recommendation was that Camp Kiwanee file a Request for Determination to do the work outlined in the proposed plan.  

Motion to approve Plan subject to incorporation of comments and the submittal of a final draft for review and approval:  David Harris
Second:  John Kemmett
Vote:  4-0-0

Conservation Fund/Upkeep of Nathaniel Thomas Mill
        Mr. Harris suggested that because the Mill is under the care and custody of the Conservation Commission, a maintenance plan should be drafted to address the issue of making the appearance of the landscaping and the parking lot more attractive.  This might involve removal of invasive species, cosmetics, plantings, walkways and fencing in anticipation of further development or a greenway along the river.     
        Mr. Harris also reported that work was being done at the Mill without the Commission being notified.  Mr. Kemmett suggested another meeting with all of the stakeholders.  Ms. Nehiley will e-mail the minutes from their last meeting to everyone.  Mr. Schellenger suggested that the subject be kept on the agenda.  

East Washington Street Restoration Plan update
        Mr. Vacca presented a letter to the Commission from Lucas Environmental, LLC dated 10/21/11.  Mr. Vacca conducted an inspection with Neil Merritt, Water Superintendent and Mike Duffy, Water Commissioner at the site last week.  They observed several gullies where a second attempt to stabilize the slope had been made, but because the road pitches from both directions to this point, it’s a low spot.  The area had been planted with organic material and both times it had been washed out.  Mr. Merritt asked if they could put small sized rip rap there to armor the slope, slow down the water velocity, stop the area from eroding and allow re-vegetatation.  Because there is an open Order of Conditions, Mr. Vacca recommended the change as a minor correction to the original plan.

        Motion to approve as a Minor Correction:  John Kemmett
        Second:  David Harris
        Vote:  4-0-0

Meadowbrook Garden Center
        Mr. Vacca reported that after receiving several complaints regarding large stockpiles and activity being conducted at the garden center on Franklin Street, he conducted a site visit on 10/17/11.  After obtaining permission to enter the site, he explored the perimeter. There is a stone wall that runs parallel to the resource area but he observed no migration of material.  One small point is within jurisdiction, but the stone wall acts as a barrier.  After checking with the Board of Appeals, Mr. Vacca was able to ascertain that there is no prohibition for what they are doing, however he will continue to monitor the situation.

Factory Pond Dam – see letter from DCR regarding a Phase I Safety Inspection
        Mr. Schellenger reported that a letter was received from DCR requiring an inspection of the Factory Pond Dam with a deadline of February 1, 2012.  It was last inspected in 2007 and was rated as being a significant risk.  He spoke with Victor Diniak of Hanover DPW who was aware of the requirement as Hanover is half owner with Hanson.  He is obtaining a quote from Weston and Sampson, the firm that last inspected the dam.   

Old Business/New Business

Commonwealth of MA/bill –  signed


        Motion to adjourn at 9:05 PM:  John Kemmett     
        Second:  David Harris
        Vote:  4-0-0